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Sexual Male Dysfunction Clinic

Did you know that more than half of males over the age of 40 years old suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction? The degrees of ED vary and can run the range of occasional issues, to complete lack of function. While these issues often begin soon after the age of 40, as a man ages, ED becomes even more common. We tell you all this to let you know that it's a common problem for men. It's annoying and frustrating, but it doesn't have to be a lifetime problem. That's right; we are saying that there are treatment options. The first step is visiting a sexual male dysfunction clinic. For those who live in Folsom, CA, Rancho Cordova, Fair Oaks, and other local areas, Bio-Vital Men’s Clinic is the sexual male dysfunction clinic for you. We have a variety of treatment options for men who are living with erectile dysfunction.

We have successfully treated hundreds of men, and our treatments have been successful with 90 percent of the men who come to see us. We are staffed by experts in the field on men's health. Our goal is to help as many men as possible so that they don't have to suffer anymore. We understand how difficult this situation is for men and we do all that we can to improve their quality of life.

If you are interested in our services and what we can do for you, we invite you to check out our website which is conveniently located at As you will realize while going through it our website has information on our various treatment methods, the signs, and symptoms of low testosterone and answers to frequently asked questions.

If you need any clarification or have a question do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be glad to talk to you!

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